Fire off a pic at a click

Building a comprehensive photo gallery or reservoir of products is a great idea.  We often do this with our mobiles, capturing moments for personal use and photo albums. A well thought through image bank of product shots and service shots is also ideal for business to business promotion and communication. The up to date reservoir needs to be there.

Mobile phone shots may be fine in some situations, but stunning photography, well lit from a real pro will build your brand and your products like no other. Before a customer knows you, they buy often with their eyes!

As the editor of one of the leading online and offline dailies said at a conference:
‘Good photography to accompany good stories will lift the pr value by 100% that is what we look for’.

When these journalist or picture desk has a story or a feature to file, you have to meet the deadline, so the bank of ready and waiting shots are a way of ensuring it is your products that is used.

So here is a starter for 10:

• Single products shots
• Cut out products shots
• Group shots
• Mood shots in every kind of setting
• Shots of your products being used in situ

As always the issue is all about – ‘ how do we make it happen?’ PR activity can be carried out in house but unless you have someone dedicated to it, it often does not happen. Trade pr can be planned ahead but if you have a lot of national or consumer coverage, that is when you really need to bring in the professionals.

That is why so many organisations will use pr companies and external photgraphers to mastermind the work for them. There are some great companies about and also some great freelancers who know the system how it works and how to play the game.

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