Google Testing Mobile Unfriendly Icons

Google have been testing mobile unfriendly icons next to those websites that haven’t made
the transition to responsive design.

This shift towards mobile user optimisation for mobile consumers is now part of Google’s
long list of ranking factors. This covers fast loading websites, responsive design that adapts
to screen size and device and good web architecture e.g every category on the site should
earn its place and be visible with relevant content. The implication is that a bad mobile
experience will affect your rankings.

Google have indicated that approximately 5 – 10% of browsing on desktop involves search
engines and the rest is spent consuming content on websites. Mobile search habits are different as users tend to access websites directly, rather than spending time scrolling through search results – you have to tailor your site to accommodate this shifting user behaviour.

This means that your copy has to be attention grabbing, compelling, easy to understand,
engaging and have an immediate call to action backed up with a solid social media sharing
campaign to build consumer interest and invite them to click through to the website for more.

You have worked hard for their attention. Make sure their mobile experience provides the
relevant information, satisfies their requirement and of course sells!

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